September 18, 2018

The Sunwest Group Holding Company, Inc. (SGHCI) has launched the new Human Resources Information System (HRIS) for better timekeeping and record management. SGHCI employees can now file their leaves, overtime, undertime, and official business matters using the system and will no longer have to do it manually; however, if the date of filing has lapsed, employees can still submit their leaves using the old form. Employees can now also view their profile, time logs, payslips, work schedule, and other work-related matters.

The Human Resources Department (HRD) is now using Microsoft Excel to properly encode employees’ profiles, time logs, filing of leaves, overtime, undertime, official business matters and other work-related records. For a growing company like SGHCI, the HRD’s decision to transition into the HRIS is vital as manually logging each employee’s records is time-consuming and prone to human error. These records provide the HR Department the
feedback they need in order to identify what needs to be improved, to be removed, or to be added.

You can easily access records for compliance purposes such as your time logs and payslips. Instead of asking for the records from each respective department, the records can be viewed on HRIS.

Mr. Peter Biason, HR Consultant, said that the implementation of HRIS is, “Automation, in general, is a ‘must have’ tool of every organization. Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a known automated tool for Human Resources management. This tool simplifies the processes in HR, tighten
control measures, say for example, fraud in daily time record (DTR), provides instant access to employees’ data including payslip, DTR, 201 file, and other relevant data. Truly, this system brings efficiency, high level of accuracy and an increase in productivity within the company.”

This project was initiated last September 11, 2018 and became available for employees to use from December 1, 2018.